Artificial Intelligence: Accelerating Innovation Responsibly

Artificial Intelligence: Accelerating Innovation Responsibly

Artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing a new wave of innovation, with the potential to make things better for people everywhere.

Given the transformative potential of AI, SVLG and our member companies are committed to the responsible deployment of this technology and plan to be actively engaged in all conversations on the subject.

Starting right here in California, with generative AI, but also at the national and international level.

I-CAP’s mission will be to build social and political capital needed for developing policy and regulatory solutions that are informed, balanced, responsible and effective. 

SVLG responsible AI principles

The responsible deployment of AI should reflect these core principles to promote trustworthy AI models and systems:


Responsible AI Core Principle

AI design and evolution should consider how humans will use and be impacted by the technology. AI should also be shaped with the objective of preserving human control as a final arbiter.

Explainable Outcomes

Responsible AI Core Principle

Explanations of AI system results should strive to be accurate and appropriate for the user. There should be a level of transparency so people know when AI is involved.


Responsible AI Core Principle

AI should avoid perpetuating or reinforcing unfair social or economic biases. Training data should be rigorous, as well as comprehensive, for its intended purpose. AI should be respectful of the cultural and social norms of the diverse communities in which it is used.


Responsible AI Core Principle

AI systems should be secure from unauthorized access or use. The technology should prioritize preserving the confidentiality of sensitive information, and system security checks should happen at various levels (e.g., software, learning and distributed levels).

Risk Mitigation

Responsible AI Core Principle

The laws and regulations associated with AI systems should be balanced and weigh potential benefits against the challenges of different use cases.

Bringing member companies together to develop resources to educate and inform the industry, public, and policymakers about the role of AI and how it is helping improve people’s lives, addressing societal and scientific issues, and building a stronger business and innovation economy. 

SVLG + AI in the news

Artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing a new wave of innovation, with the potential to make things better for people everywhere.

Responsible AI latest insights

On November 28, Axios gathered industry trailblazers, technology experts, and policymakers at their inaugural AI+ Summit in downtown Washington, D.C. Members from the Silicon Valley Leadership Group team heard from dynamic leaders like U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google and key opinion former on AI about the future of artificial intelligence, the role of public policy and the role of innovation across various industries.
President Biden’s recent Executive Order on the Safe, Secure and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence is a sweeping framework that seeks to lay the foundation for future regulations and requirements.
As the premier business association representing the innovation economy, SVLG welcomes the opportunity to directly engage and help educate policymakers and stakeholders at the federal, state, and local level on this very important topic. This way we can ensure both the nation, and Silicon Valley continue to lead the way in the responsible adoption of AI systems and the related technologies.
Last week, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG) hosted its inaugural retreat in Sunnyvale, California, bringing together some of the brightest minds and most innovative companies in Silicon Valley.

Contact Us

If you are looking for more information on our Responsible AI priority, please contact Peter Leore-Muñoz at

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