Why We Run: The Silicon Valley Turkey Trot’s Lasting Impact

As we celebrate the 15th year of trotting, we asked the founder, a volunteer, beneficiaries and a long-time runner what the Applied Materials “Silicon Valley Turkey Trot” means to them. Here’s what they said…

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Carl Guardino 

Silicon Valley Leadership Group, CEO and President (& race founder)

“Build Community. Help families in need. Start our Holidays in a Fun & Healthy Way.” These remain the three reasons why my wife Leslee and I created our Applied Materials “Silicon Valley Turkey Trot” 15 years ago. It’s why we’re overwhelmed by the $9 million donated to date; and this year’s $1 million goal. Our Silicon Valley Leadership Group Foundation staff is passionate about a community/charity event with a big impact but a small-Town feel. Please join us – and bring family & friends with you! Svturkeytrot.com

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Fanny Ngo-Ibarra

Volunteer for 3 years

What I love most about the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot? Well, I love the reason behind the race, the lives it touches, and the money it donates to local charities, not only during Thanksgiving time, but throughout the year. I don’t live in the area, but I’m willing to do the hour drive to lend my hand to help support this race every year. I will return every year as a volunteer as long as I can.

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Kevin Zwick

Housing Trust Silicon Valley, CEO

The Turkey Trot means home – the feeling of home you feel when coming together as a community and, for Housing Trust, it’s an opportunity to create home. The event supports our homelessness assistance program, granting security deposits to help about 300 people each year move into their own apartment. When we talk with some of them, they tell us how much they enjoy being warm at night and having a place to cook food, and that makes us feel good about what we do.

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Michele Lew

The Health Trust, CEO

When I think of the Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot, a smile comes across my face.  The Health Trust, a local nonprofit focused on building health equity in Silicon Valley, benefits from Turkey Trot proceeds.  Thanks to the generosity of registrants and sponsors, The Health Trust has facilitated more than 1,500 wellness and health education workshop sessions for people living with chronic conditions such as diabetes.  I love that those of us who participate in the Turkey Trot have the opportunity to improve our own health AND improve the health of others in our community.

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Kathleen King

Healthier Kids Foundation, CEO

Healthier Kids Foundation believes children can be in the best schools in the world, but if they can’t see, can’t hear, or are in pain, they can’t learn. Just like how a house needs to have a steady foundation, children need to be healthy in order to contribute their talents to the community, society, and our Country.

With 98% of children health insured, Healthier Kids and the Turkey Trot are helping underserved families use their insurance to make their children healthy, happy and successful in school. Together we break down barriers and help families with complicated health insurance processes. We leave no child behind and by doing this we leave no family behind.

Healthier Kids with the help of the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot now offers over 86,000 services a year for children and their parents.

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Leslie Bacho

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley, CEO

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley has been a proud recipient of the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot’s generosity since its inception 15 years ago. Both organizations have changed dramatically during that period to reflect both the optimism and the challenges in our community. Just as the race has scaled to be one of the largest Turkey Trots in the nation, Second Harvest has grown to be one of the largest food banks in the nation, now providing enough nutritious food for more than 58 million meals a year. We are grateful to work with such a committed team at the Leadership Group on an amazing event that brings so many people together to help make Silicon Valley a better place.

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Angel J. Winn

Runner since 2011

The Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot has several meanings to me. The most important is the gathering of the beautifully diverse people from all over the area to laugh, smile, persevere and compete against ourselves to accomplish two goals: finish the race and help provide families with necessary resources. It also allows me to gather my family together in the morning for more than football and food, but for activity and health. It’s a constant encouragement of “you can do its,” “I believe in yous” and “don’t quits.” 

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It’s not too late to join the fun! Register here to secure your spot. We look forward to seeing you on November 28th! 

Learn more about the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot’s impact in our community:

November 18, 2019