In a roundtable discussion on climate leadership in the Golden State on March 22, Lauren Sanchez, Senior Climate Advisor for Governor Newsom, shared the latest insights from Sacramento on topics including natural gas resources, EV charging, environmental justice, and carbon capture.
With basic needs still unmet for many native communities, access to clean water and electricity are top of mind for Bidtah Becker, CalEPA Deputy Secretary for Environmental Justice, Tribal Affairs and Border Relations.
Recently nominated for the position, Becker sat down with SVLG’s Vice President of Environmental Policy, Mary Holing, sharing insights about the CalEPA’s environmental justice goals on energy and climate policy. In one of her first appearances since stepping into the role, she candidly discussed key issues that impact Native American tribes in California including safe drinking water, access to the power grid, land management, language preservation, education and air quality.
Becker fielded questions from SVLG members representing educational institutions, the solar industry, and more, elucidating native communities’ needs and highlighting opportunities for collaboration. As she tackled each issue, Becker emphasized the uniqueness of each tribe.
Smart, savvy policy experts gathered together at SVLG’s roundtable titled Politics Inside the Lines: Redistricting 2022 on February 24 to offer meaningful insights about how an independent redistricting commission has shaken up California politics, in their opinion for the better.
New Commissioner John Reynolds is the Governor’s latest appointee to the California Public Utilities Commission. His experience includes previous roles working at the CPUC as well as recent work for AV leader – and SVLG member – Cruise Automotive. His range of public and private experience will be key as the CPUC tackles a few …
On issues from climate change to foreign policy, Congressman Ro Khanna is a bold leader in congress and an important voice in technology policy issues. He’s also been a strong advocate for the greater development of US high-tech as a key element of economic recovery. The Silicon Valley Leadership Group will sit down with Congressman …
From antirust to immigration to online privacy and more, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren is a key decision maker in Washington, DC, on issues that are critical to Silicon Valley. SVLG Members, we hope you can join the Silicon Valley Leadership Group in a Capital Connection roundtable on Wednesday, March 23rd from 10:00am – 11:00am PST. This …
Tomorrow—Thursday, Mar 3, 2022 at 9:00 AM PST.—we’re holding a briefing to address: “The Invasion of Ukraine: Impacts and How Silicon Valley Can Help”. Featuring discussions between Polina Sinovets, Head of Odessa Center for Nonproliferation (OdCNP); Yulia Bezvershenko, fellow of the Ukrainian Emerging Leaders Program at the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of …
For the last two years, “Covid-19” and “pandemic” have been synonymous. But now, in the newest phase of the virus, “Covid-19” is moving from a pandemic to an endemic disease. But what does that actually mean for our workdays? What risks should we plan for as we ease back to the office? And what should …
Last month, Governor Newsom said, “We (California) don’t imitate, we’re a model to the world. In climate, we want to continue to assert that leadership and continue to raise the bar.“ The Silicon Valley Leadership Group is hosting Lauren Sanchez, Governor Newsom’s Senior Climate Advisor. Lauren has worked on climate policy at CalEPA, the Air Resources Board, …
Managing Cyber Security risks has never been a higher priority. With increasing volumes of business done online and online attacks seen as an increasingly profitable alternative to riskier crimes, businesses at every stage have to build resilient, accountable systems. Currency isn’t the only target, user information and patterns of behavior can be monetized and exploited …
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