SAN JOSÉ, CA (July 29, 2022) — Ahmad Thomas, CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, issued the following statement today statement applauding passage of the bipartisan CHIPS & Science Act of 2022, which has been approved by the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives and is awaiting signature by President Biden.
“Congress scored a major victory in passing the CHIPS Act, a multi-billion dollar investment in American semiconductor research and manufacturing. The Act will strengthen U.S. technology and fortify our supply chain resilience, bolstering Silicon Valley competitiveness by supercharging critical innovation infrastructure.
Silicon Valley Leadership Group strongly urges President Biden to sign the bipartisan bill into law.”
A summary of the legislation can be viewed HERE.
About the Silicon Valley Leadership Group:
The Leadership Group is a business organization of hundreds of Silicon Valley’s most dynamic companies working to shape the innovation economy of California and the nation. Founded by David Packard of Hewlett-Packard, for over 40 years the SVLG has worked to address issues that affect the region’s economic health and quality of life. Today the SVLG Is focused on economic competitiveness with a special focus on diversity & inclusion, climate change and infrastructure. SVLG members collectively provide nearly one of every three private sector jobs in Silicon Valley and contribute more than $3 trillion to the worldwide economy. For more information, visit