Updated June 10th, 2021. Here is a special installment of “5 Things You Need to Know About COVID-19.”
The Leadership Group understands that our member companies have many questions regarding the pandemic and the status of regulations here in California. With this post I hope to provide resources that will bring you answers as we navigate through the uncertainty before returning to normal.
UPDATE: First, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released “Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings” to take effect on Tuesday, June 15th. This document aligns masking use in California with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The guidance includes:
- Vaccinated people are not required to wear masks outdoors except when attending crowded outdoor events, including live performances, parades, fairs, festivals, sports events, or other similar settings.
- Vaccinated people may congregate without wearing masks or physical distancing, with other fully vaccinated people in indoor or outdoor settings and visit, without wearing masks or physical distancing, with unvaccinated people (including children) from a single household who are at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease in indoor and outdoor settings.
- Unvaccinated people are required to wear masks outdoors whenever physical distancing isn’t possible.
- Masks are required, regardless of vaccination status, in certain specified indoor settings like public transit.
Businesses have three options for masking after June 15th according to Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly. Businesses can:
- Publicly post rules regarding mask-wearing and allow visitors to self-attest that they are vaccinated
- Implement a vaccine-verification system to determine whether individuals are required to wear a mask
- Require all patrons to wear a mask
UPDATE: Second, CalOSHA moved at its June 9th meeting to withdraw masking guidance revisions for businesses. The agency is currently reviewing the new masking guidelines CDPH published yesterday (please see above). KRON 4 has a great write-up here. The new directive will be available and voted on by the June 17th meeting. The current Emergency Temporary Standards that were voted on in November are still in effect.
Third, CDPH also released their “Emergency Temporary Standards for Fully Vaccinated People” on May 12th. This document outlines the allowable activities for those who have received a COVID-19 vaccine. While the standards do not replace a health order, they do outline the safety of various activities for those who are fully vaccinated.
Fourth, Santa Clara County Department of Public Health released a new health order on May 18th. The health order includes a section requiring companies to ascertain the vaccination status of employees. Additionally, the order removes the directive for telework.
And fifth, if you have lingering questions regarding the May 18th health order, please reference the County’s FAQ. This document is updated often to reflect new questions that are asked of the County. Still have questions? Please reach out to me at kwortham@svlg.org.
To help you and your companies navigate the current uncertainty, please join myself and my colleagues Jason Baker and Dan Kostenbauder next Wednesday afternoon for “office hours” where we will review the various county and State orders and share up-to-date information and resources to better understand the new orders. This session will be next Wednesday, June 16th from 3 pm to 4 pm PT via Zoom. An email will be sent out regarding this event shortly. Never received an email? Please contact me at kwortham@svlg.org.
June 9, 2021