Over the past two years, California has laid the foundation for a robust K-12 computer science (CS) education for California students. This includes adopting curriculum standards, approving an implementation plan, and securing funding for a statewide coordinator. Despite this progress, the adoption of computer science curriculum and courses remains voluntary for schools. This means schools …
Working Scholars Transforms Higher Education and Unlocks Better Futures A college degree is key to unlocking economic opportunity, but it is a dream that’s out of reach for millions of students. Our higher education system, largely untouched by the technological innovations that have happened in nearly every facet of modern life, has left over 31 …
Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled a revised state budget today with potential funding for Bay Area and Silicon Valley priorities.
Learn more about the Regional Economic Association Leaders of California Coalition.
Sacramento, CA – Governor Gavin Newsom will have the ear of the CEO of the Silicon Leadership Group, Carl Guardino, along with a delegation of 30 CEOs, staff and elected officials today as they listen closely to the governor’s first State of the State Address during a visit to the State Capitol. They are at …
In 2018, a Beta-Test year for our new “CC2C” partnership, we were able to provide work-based learning opportunities for nearly 600 students.
This week, let me share one of several ambitious goals in the area of Education & the Workforce.
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