Statement: SVLG CEO Ahmad Thomas Condemns Supreme Court Ruling on Race-Conscious Admissions in Colleges & Universities

“I am disappointed but not surprised by today’s Supreme Court ruling regarding race-conscious admissions. It represents a significant step backwards for racial equity and undermines business competitiveness at a time of global economic uncertainty and societal discord.

This decision harms not only students of historically marginalized groups, who often face inequalities in primary education as well as bias in standardized tests, but also undermines the diverse academic environments that benefit all students and shape our 21st century workforce. 

I am concerned that this decision will have far-reaching and detrimental impacts, from the classroom to the boardroom, if leaders over-correct and pull back from sensible strategies to foster equity. 

We once again affirm our commitment to the principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging as hallmarks of the next era of Silicon Valley leadership. And in so doing, we recognize that an inclusive and equitable workforce is imperative to social progress and also critical to the business competitiveness of the innovation economy.”
