Quarterly RJE Committee Meeting

Members: The larger RJE Committee meets quarterly to consider and hear high-level updates from the three subcommittees on initiatives related to advancing Board Diversity, Inclusion, and Policy Advocacy on Justice Reform across our communities.

Please contact rje@svlg.org for more information.

Subcommittee Meetings:

Board Leadership Subcommittee Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee Policy Advocacy Subcommittee 
Targeted meetings to focus on increasing racial diversity on public corporate and nonprofit Boards through partnerships and initiatives. Monthly meetings on the 4th Friday of the month (1pm-2:30pm) to explore best practices that amplify the Business case for Diversity with and for Leadership Group members. Targeted meetings to recommend policy positions and develop advocacy strategies on local, state, and federal issues around Racial Justice and Equity.


Jun 18 2021


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm