Quarterly RJE Committee Meeting
Members: The larger RJE Committee meets quarterly to consider and hear high-level updates from the three subcommittees on initiatives related to advancing Board Diversity, Inclusion, and Policy Advocacy on Justice Reform across our communities.
Please contact rje@svlg.org for more information.
Subcommittee Meetings:
Board Leadership Subcommittee | Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee | Policy Advocacy Subcommittee |
Targeted meetings to focus on increasing racial diversity on public corporate and nonprofit Boards through partnerships and initiatives. | Monthly meetings on the 4th Friday of the month (1pm-2:30pm) to explore best practices that amplify the Business case for Diversity with and for Leadership Group members. | Targeted meetings to recommend policy positions and develop advocacy strategies on local, state, and federal issues around Racial Justice and Equity. |